Brouwer fruit – kersen verkoop: A Legacy of Cherry Cultivation and Sales

In the heart of the Netherlands lies a family business renowned for cultivating the finest cherries for generations: Brouwer Fruit. Established in the early 1900s, this company has its roots deep in Dutch agricultural traditions. Over the years, Brouwer Fruit has not only survived but also thrived by adapting to changing times while maintaining its core values. This article delves into the fascinating world of Brouwer Fruit, with a special focus on their cherry sales.

Historical Background

Brouwer Fruit began as a small family business founded by Jan Brouwer, a passionate farmer with a vision. During that time, the agricultural sector in the Netherlands relied heavily on traditional methods and hard work. Jan Brouwer decided to focus on cultivating fruit trees, including cherry trees, which thrived in the fertile Dutch soil. His determination and dedication laid the foundation for what is now a flourishing business.

Over the years, the knowledge of fruit cultivation was passed down from generation to generation, each bringing their own innovations and improvements. Today, Brouwer Fruit is led by Jan’s great-grandchildren, who continue the tradition while also introducing modern techniques and sustainable practices.

Cherry Cultivation

Growing cherries is a delicate process that requires a lot of care and attention. At Brouwer Fruit, this process begins with selecting the right varieties of cherry trees suitable for the Dutch climate. The most popular varieties grown by Brouwer Fruit include Burlat, Kordia, and Regina cherries. Each of these varieties has its own unique flavor profile and ripening times, ensuring a varied harvest period.

Soil Preparation and Planting: Preparing the soil is a crucial step in the success of cherry cultivation. The soil is carefully analyzed and treated to ensure the optimal pH and nutrients. Young trees are then planted, usually in the fall or early spring, so they can establish themselves well before the growing season begins.

Maintenance and Care: During the growing season, the cherry trees receive regular care. This includes pruning, fertilizing, and irrigating to ensure the trees remain healthy and produce the best fruit. Pruning not only helps maintain the shape of the tree but also improves air circulation and prevents diseases.

Harvest: Harvest time is the highlight of the year at Brouwer Fruit. Cherries are typically harvested from June to July, depending on the variety and weather conditions. The cherries are handpicked to ensure that only the ripest and best fruits are selected. This labor-intensive process is essential to guarantee the high quality for which Brouwer Fruit is known.

Sales and Distribution

Once harvested, the process of sales and distribution begins. Brouwer Fruit has developed an extensive logistical infrastructure to ensure their cherries reach consumers as fresh as possible. Freshness and quality are crucial as they directly affect the taste and shelf life.

Local Market: A large portion of the cherries is sold on the local market. Brouwer Fruit has strong ties with local supermarkets, farmers’ markets, and specialty stores. These direct sales channels allow them to build personal relationships with their customers and receive feedback directly.

Export: In addition to the local market, Brouwer Fruit also has a significant export volume. Dutch cherries are renowned worldwide for their high quality, and Brouwer Fruit plays a key role in this export market. The cherries are exported to various European countries, where they are appreciated for their taste and freshness.

Online Sales: In recent years, Brouwer Fruit has also invested in online sales. With the growing trend of e-commerce, they have developed a user-friendly website where customers can order cherries directly. This provides a convenient alternative for customers who cannot visit the farm but still want to enjoy the delicious cherries.

Sustainability and Innovation

Brouwer Fruit has always had a strong focus on sustainability. This is not only a response to the increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly products but also an intrinsic value of the family business. Sustainable farming practices not only help reduce the ecological footprint but also improve the health and productivity of the orchards.

Organic Farming: A portion of the cherries is grown organically, without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This results in healthier trees and more fertile soil, ultimately leading to healthier cherries.

Water Management: Brouwer Fruit has implemented advanced irrigation systems to use water efficiently. Drip irrigation and rainwater harvesting systems help minimize water waste and provide the trees with the precise amount of water they need.

Energy Efficiency: The company uses renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, to cover a large part of their energy needs. This reduces their dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to lower CO2 emissions.

Future Vision

Brouwer Fruit takes pride in their rich history but also looks forward to the future. They are continually seeking ways to improve their processes and reduce their environmental impact. Innovation plays a key role in this.

Technological Innovations: The introduction of technologies such as drones and sensors helps monitor the health of the orchards and optimize the harvest. These technologies provide real-time data on soil moisture, diseases, and the ripeness of the fruit, resulting in more efficient and effective farming practices.

Education and Community Engagement: Brouwer Fruit also sees the importance of education and community engagement. They regularly organize farm visits and workshops to raise awareness about the importance of sustainable agriculture and the origins of their food.

Collaborations: Collaborating with research institutions and other agricultural businesses allows Brouwer Fruit to access the latest knowledge and techniques. These collaborations also promote the exchange of ideas and best practices within the sector.

FAQ: Brouwer Fruit – Cherry Sales

  1. What are Brouwer Fruit’s opening hours for buying cherries? Our farm shop is open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We are closed on Sundays.
  2. What types of cherries does Brouwer Fruit offer? We grow several varieties of cherries, including Burlat, Kordia, and Regina. Each variety has its own unique flavor and ripening time.
  3. How can I order cherries from Brouwer Fruit? Cherries can be purchased directly from our farm shop or ordered online through our website. We offer both pick-up and home delivery options for online orders.
  4. Does Brouwer Fruit deliver to other countries? Yes, we export our cherries to various European countries. Please contact us for specific information about international deliveries.
  5. When is the best time to buy cherries? The cherry season usually runs from June to July, depending on the variety and weather conditions. This is the best time to buy the freshest cherries.
  6. Are Brouwer Fruit’s cherries organic? Some of our cherries are grown organically. We do not use synthetic pesticides or fertilizers on these cherries, resulting in a healthier and more eco-friendly product.
  7. How can I maintain the freshness of cherries after purchase? To maintain the freshness of cherries, store them in the refrigerator and consume them within a few days of purchase. For longer storage, you can freeze cherries, but this may affect their texture.
  8. Can I visit the farm to pick cherries myself? Yes, we offer a ‘pick-your-own’ option during the cherry season. This is a great way to pick fresh cherries directly from the tree and learn more about our cultivation methods.
  9. What sustainable practices does Brouwer Fruit use? We use sustainable farming practices such as organic farming, efficient water management with drip irrigation, and renewable energy sources like solar panels to reduce our ecological footprint.
  10. Does Brouwer Fruit offer other types of fruit? Although our specialty is cherries, we also grow other fruits such as apples, pears, and plums. Contact us or visit our shop for more information about our full range of products.
  11. How can I stay updated on the latest news and offers from Brouwer Fruit? You can subscribe to our newsletter via our website or follow us on social media for the latest news, offers, and events.
  12. How can I contact Brouwer Fruit? For questions or more information, you can reach us via email at or by phone at +31 123 456 789. You can also fill out the contact form on our website.


Brouwer Fruit is a wonderful example of how a family business can thrive by holding onto traditional values while embracing modern innovations. Their commitment to quality, sustainability, and community engagement makes them not only a leader in cherry sales but also an inspiration for other agricultural businesses.

The delicious cherries from Brouwer Fruit are the result of generations of craftsmanship, passion, and innovation. Whether you buy them at a local market, order them online, or enjoy a freshly picked cherry during a farm visit, you can taste the dedication and care that goes into every fruit. Brouwer Fruit remains a beacon of excellence in Dutch fruit cultivation, and their story is a testament to the power of family, tradition, and progress.