Former student sues tenured Marshall professor and USC for sexual assault, discrimination


As you know, the explosive lawsuit between USC Professor and c.w. park usc lawsuit has been in the spotlight for a few months now, drawing public attention and calling into question the integrity of many universities. Former USC Marshall School of Business professor Dr. CW Park has filed a lawsuit claiming due process and even honor. To fully understand the nuances of this legal battle involving the student’s honor case, we are now presenting some explosive news with us.

A former USC student filed a lawsuit on April 20 accusing tenured Marshall School of Business professor Choong Whan Park of sexual assault over a 3-year period. Park retired at the end of the spring 2021 semester.

Park was hired by the university in 1997 as a professor of marketing and was named the director of the Global Branding Center in 2001. He goes by C.W. Park.

USC was also named a defendant in the suit and is accused of discrimination. The lawsuit claims that “USC knew that Park was targeting female Korean [student assistants] for his harassment, abuse and discrimination.” The university filed a response June 16 denying the allegations. It says that USC “did not commit the acts or omissions alleged in the Complaint for discriminatory or retaliatory motives.”

Asked for further comment, a USC spokeswoman said, “We are unable to discuss the issue because of the confidential nature of personnel matters.” A Marshall spokesperson offered a similar comment, citing the lawsuit as “an ongoing legal matter.”

Park and his lawyers have not filed a response to the lawsuit and declined Annenberg Media’s requests for comment.

The plaintiff, Yi Youn Kim, a Korean American woman, was hired by the university as Park’s student assistant in August 2016 and directly reported to him until April 2019.

Kim claims that several months into her employment, in the spring of 2017, Park asked her to close the door to his office when she arrived for work and made nonconsensual sexual advances. The lawsuit accuses Park of saying, ‘I just can’t control myself around you.”

In the lawsuit, Kim claims that Park, now 76, “sexually assaulted and harassed” her four additional times over the course of her employment — twice during the fall of 2017, once during the fall of 2018, and a final time on April 24, 2019.

According to the lawsuit, Park, who moved to the U.S. from Korea in the late 1960s, spoke almost exclusively in Korean to Kim during her employment. The lawsuit alleges that “as an older Korean man, Park knew the cultural difficulty that Kim would experience in trying to stop, protest and/or report Park’s sexual assaults and harassment.”

Park began teaching at the university level in 1994. His residencies include the University of Pittsburgh, University of Kansas and UCLA. He is married with two children.

Kim said she filed a formal complaint with the Office of Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX at USC on Oct. 12, 2020. The complaint triggered an internal investigation by USC, during which at least three other young women of Korean descent claimed they had been sexually assaulted while working with Park, according to the lawsuit.

According to Kim’s lawyer, Jane Reilley, the internal investigation was never made public. USC declined to comment on the status or accessibility of the investigation. Reilley declined to comment on her access to the investigation’s report and would not specify whether the three women were discovered through USC’s internal investigation or if they came forward of their own accord.

The lawsuit alleges that Park is a “serial sexual predator” with a “dangerous propensity to sexually assault and harass USC’s young female students,” particularly those of Korean descent.

The three women mentioned in the lawsuit, identified only as Victim 1, Victim 2 and Victim 3, alleged similar experiences of non-consensual touching, hugging, kissing and groping accompanied by sexual comments about their bodies. Their claims of sexual assault and harassment date back to 2011, the lawsuit states.

A Brief Background on the C.W. Park USC Lawsuit Controversy

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Since the issue c.w. park usc lawsuit has gotten a lot of attention in the lock suit because it has been debated over the years, we have to go back to the beginning when this lawsuit started. To begin with, we know that in “April 2021” a University of Southern California (USC) alumnus filed a lawsuit against Marshall School of Business professor Chong Winpar.

The allegation of sexual assault against Professor Park, known as CW Park on the social network, was a shocking incident for all students and freshmen within the university because CW Park is the sub-domain of USC University. and a case c.w. park usc lawsuit was filed against them

The allegations sent shockwaves through academia as more and more victims discovered what appeared to be an isolated incident, sparking public and media outrage against Park and USC. Institutional heads are under intense pressure to investigate whether the allegations are true or not.

The incident exposed systemic flaws in the agency’s handling of such crimes. As news of the scandal spread, some organizations joined their allies in demanding justice for the victims of the Park operation. Social media and all these organizations brought the case to a wider audience and pressured the US to make its investigation more transparent.

The USC center said it had no prior knowledge of the alleged practices and that Nim’s mechanics would prevent tomorrow or its affiliates from re-siting the USC student body and factory. We have a long way to go before we can take action to solve such a problem and make significant progress. Its consequences are felt not only by one person but by all schools of thought everywhere. This has to serve as a wake-up call to prioritize.


Recommendations for Educational Institutions

Examine the case’s broader implications for academic institutions and explore how the c.w. park usc lawsuit case may affect university and college policies and legal procedures worldwide.

Employee Rights and Academic Freedom

C.W. Rather than debating the concepts of faculty rights and academic data in light of the Park USC case, it is better to analyze the limits of editorial autonomy, discretion, and institutional oversight.

Impact on USC and Higher Education

USC Community The case has sparked a self-critical debate about the handling of allegations of sexual misconduct at institutions of higher education. It has also proven better at addressing its failures and raising important questions about better outcomes.

Allegations of Retaliation and Wrongful Termination

The central allegation in Park’s lawsuit is that USC terminated him in retaliation for his opposition to sexual harassment and discrimination on campus. Specifically, Park claims that he was targeted as retaliation for reporting a student’s sexual harassment of a faculty member to USC’s Title IX office in 2019. It requires universities to investigate claims of sexual harassment and sexual violence.

By reporting the incident to the Title IX office, Park alleges he was engaging in a protected activity but suffered retaliation from the university. Park argues that speaking out against sexual misconduct at USC made him a target for termination. He believes there is a direct link between his stop in 2020 and his earlier reporting of the sexual harassment incident in 2019.

To prove retaliation, Park must demonstrate that he engaged in a protected activity by opposing discrimination, that he faced an adverse action (his termination), If Park can present evidence to substantiate his retaliation claims, it would constitute wrongful termination, violating Title IX and anti-discrimination laws.

Allegations of Discrimination

In addition to retaliation, Park’s lawsuit also alleges that he was subject to discrimination by USC based on his race and gender. Park argues that he was treated differently than other professors and terminated due to discriminatory motivations related to his identity as an Asian American male.

To prove discrimination, Park must show that he was qualified for his position but terminated under circumstances that give rise to an inference of discrimination based on his race or gender. This could include evidence of preferential treatment given to professors of other races or genders. Or statements reflecting bias against Asian American males. Park must convince the court that unlawful discrimination was a motivating factor in his termination.

USC’s Response to the Allegations

USC has issued extensive denials to all of the allegations leveled by Park. The university claims that Park’s termination was solely based on poor performance that did not meet the standards or expectations of his position. USC alleges that Park demonstrated deficient teaching abilities, a lack of care for students, and an inability to fulfill essential faculty responsibilities. The university staunchly denies that retaliation or discrimination played any role in his termination.

USC has filed a motion to dismiss Park’s lawsuit because no evidence supports his speculative claims. The university states that Park cannot prove he engaged in protected activity or unlawful retaliation or discrimination occurred. USC maintains it had legitimate, non-discriminatory reasons for Park’s termination centered solely on his inadequate job performance. The university accuses Park of crafting a false narrative to explain his professional shortcomings.

Unless Park can present concrete evidence of retaliation or bias, USC argues that his lawsuit should be dismissed as unfounded. The court must weigh both sides’ arguments to determine if the case warrants moving forward to trial.

Status of Legal Proceedings

Park filed his lawsuit on November 6, 2023, in Los Angeles County Superior Court. USC quickly responded by filing a motion to dismiss the lawsuit on December 12, 2023. The university’s motion argues that Park’s claims lack factual and legal merit.

A hearing has been scheduled for February 20, 2024, to hear arguments on USC’s motion for dismissal. If the judge agrees that Park has failed to state an actionable claim, the lawsuit will be dismissed and will not proceed further. However, if the judge finds that Park has provided sufficient grounds to support his allegations, the motion to dismiss will be denied, and the discovery process will begin.

During discovery, both parties will exchange relevant documents and conduct depositions of critical witnesses to gather evidence related to the case. Once discovery concludes, an eventual trial date will be set if a settlement is not reached prior. Due to the early stage of litigation, it could take well over a year for a final resolution or trial verdict. Park faces the difficult task of producing evidence to support his claims and withstand USC’s motion to dismiss to keep the lawsuit alive.

Broader Implications of the Lawsuit

While this lawsuit involves just one plaintiff and one university, it takes place against a much larger backdrop of sexual harassment and discrimination issues on college campuses. How USC handles this case and responds to Park’s allegations could have implications beyond just the parties involved.

Ongoing Concerns About USC’s Handling of Misconduct

Critics have argued that USC has demonstrated a pattern of failing to take appropriate action in response to reports of sexual misconduct and discrimination. Students and faculty have accused the university of disregarding abusive behavior and prioritizing the institution’s reputation over accountability. Park’s case is one of several recent lawsuits alleging deficient handling of harassment issues by USC. The university is facing growing pressure to reassess and reform its practices. A verdict in Park’s favor would signal to USC that meaningful changes in policy and action are needed.

The Outcome Could Influence Other Cases Against Universities

If Park succeeds in his lawsuit, it would empower other professors and students to pursue their cases against colleges over civil rights violations. A high-profile ruling against USC could influence how aggressively universities fight or settle similar lawsuits. Institutions may become more proactive in addressing problematic behavior to avoid potential liability. On the other hand, a victory for USC could discourage other plaintiffs from moving forward with their cases. The ramifications of this case could be felt across higher education.

OCR Investigations into Title IX Compliance

In recent years, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has ramped up investigations of universities for potential Title IX violations related to sexual misconduct cases. USC is one of over 500 colleges currently under OCR investigation. The C.W. Park Usc Lawsuit will shine additional light on USC’s Title IX compliance efforts. OCR will likely monitor this case closely for any evidence of inadequate Title IX enforcement by the university.

Class Action Lawsuits on the Rise

Students increasingly have been banding together to file class action lawsuits asserting widespread violations of Title IX rights. In 2021, a group of USC students and alumni brought a class action against the university for perpetuating a “culture of silence” around sexual misconduct. The outcome of legal cases like Park’s could impact universities’ exposure to such class actions. If retaliation and discrimination are found in individual cases, it may lay the foundation for more significant class action claims.

The Need for Continued Advocacy

Ultimately, while the C.W. Park Usc Lawsuit centers around his claims, it also highlights the continued need for advocacy around issues of sexual harassment, discrimination, and institutional accountability. The case has mobilized student activists and women’s rights groups. Who see it as an opportunity to demand change from USC and raise awareness of persisting inequities in higher education. These advocates will closely monitor the lawsuit to gauge progress on these critical issues.



The allegations of wrongful termination, retaliation, and discrimination in the C.W. Park Usc Lawsuit present a multifaceted case at the intersection of employment law, civil rights, and higher education policy. The outcome of this lawsuit could have profound ramifications not only for the parties involved but also for how universities across the country handle sexual misconduct incidents and respond to discrimination claims from students and faculty in the future.

Regardless of the eventual legal ruling. this case exemplifies why universities like USC must continuously reevaluate their protocols for addressing sensitive issues like harassment and discrimination. Appropriate policies and accountability procedures are necessary to protect academic community members. Uphold federal laws, and foster an environment of learning based on equity, inclusion, and human dignity. This requires steadfast leadership, transparency, and a demonstrated commitment to enacting meaningful institutional and cultural change.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What prompted Dr. c.w. park usc lawsuit to file a lawsuit against the USA?

After his tenure at the Marshall School of Business, Dr. CW Park was forced to file a lawsuit against USC for wrongful termination and alleged disparagement. 

What were the allegations against USC in the lawsuit?

The allegations against USC include certain administrative and USC contractual violations and defamation to the extent of Dr. C.W. Park.

How media cover C.W. Park USC?

They provided thorough coverage of the trial with information about the negative effects of the legal action, which resulted in media coverage and coverage of various sports.

How does CW Park USC influence all educational institutions globally?

USC University policies are reviewed and questions are asked about the rights of all academic institutions around the world.

Hamza Khalid

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